Joiners essential for your Cool Room & Wall Panels

Price List

Cool Panels supply a great range of aluminium extrusions to join together your Cool Room and Insulated Wall Panels.

25x25mm x 6.5m$47
40x40mm x 6.5m$56
50x50mm x 6.5m$67
50x50mm x 6.5M (painted outside edge only) *SPECIAL*$47
70x40mm x 6.5m$64
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)
50mm x 6.5m$67
75mm x 6.5m$78
100mm x 6.5m$111
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)

50mm x 6.5m$55
75mm x 6.5m$89
100mm x 6.5m$101
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)
50mm x 5.3m$125
75mm x 5.7m$161
75mm x 6.5m *SPECIAL*$125
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)
Door Jamb 50mm x 6.5m$79
Door Jamb 75mm x 6.5m$116
Door Stop 50mm x 6.5m$135
Door Stop 75mm x 6.5m$199
Door Stop 100mm x 6.5m$232
Door Stop Gasket – 6m roll$65
Door Stop Gasket – 25m roll$235
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)
Coving 35mm x 6.5m$56
Coving 50mm x 6.5m$74
Radius 3-way corner x 35mm$10
Leeroy Flat Bar 100mm x 4m$59
T-Section 40mm x 20mm x 6.5m$59
5-32 Cold Room Rivets (per 100)$18
Extrusions Off White (Surfmist)

Cool Room Joiners

Building the box for a Cool Room, freezer or cold store can be pretty straight forward when you join your Insulated Panels together with the right Aluminium extrusions.

Most installers start with Angles on the bottom, and then use Corner Moulds and/or Angles to join walls to walls and walls to the ceiling with coving on the inside.

Available 50mm & 75mm
Base Channel
Available 50mm & 75mm
Corner Joiner
Available 25x25, 40x40, 50x50, 70x40

You also need a cool room door. We make them to order because of the wide range of usages. For example, a freezer needs a heated door frame or it’ll ice up and you’ll struggle to open it.

The floor is also very important. Simply bolting to a concrete slab can create condensation issues where you end up with wet floors surrounding the cool room. An epoxy coated panel floor or an insulated concrete slab (laid before the build or “in-situ” i.e. after the build) is the preferred option in almost very case.

Of course, the most important person to check the build with is your refrigeration expert who will make sure you install the right refrigeration unit for the size and shape of your Cool Room, Cold Store or Freezer Room.

Click here for a great article on refrigeration systems.

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